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As lifestyles evolve, so do the needs of my clients. I've always provided an in depth and personal service that goes beyond just the "calories in vs calories out" model but felt my branding wasn't portraying that.

Cue the rebrand. Beyond Calories Coaching; an all-systems approach to fat loss, muscle building and great health that inspires change in a sustainable and "grab life by the balls" kinda way.


Got goals? Beyond Calories Coaching is your answer.

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Goal Specific Training Programs

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All From Your Phone

Curated Nutrition Programs

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Bloody Delish Recipes

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"Choose Your Fighter"

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Hey! I'm Leigh,

Previously the director of Ignite PT, I have worked in the health and fitness industry for over 13 years.

Over my career, I've trained a vast array of clientele from amateur powerlifters to professional bodybuilders to prepping boxers for fights and athletes for triathlons!

But honestly, you don't have to be gearing up for a big event to warrant my attention.


I get just as much joy out of working with clients that want to become a better version of themselves - whatever that looks like for them.


  • Got some weight you want to drop?

  • Have high blood pressure to lower or medication to reduce?

  • Got active kids you can't keep up with?

  • A job that's kicking your a** because you're not sleeping or eating well?

  • Wanna look and feel fire for your upcoming wedding?

  • Want to impress your partner and go from dad-blob to daddy-bod?

I'm your coach!

And you might be thinking..

"But Leigh, you must have a specific thing that you're good at?"

Yes. It's being able to connect with you, and anyone, at a level most coaches can't reach to push aside your bullsh*t and unleash YOUR best YOU.


From my years of coaching, I have built the BCC system that has been tried and tested with hundreds of different clients getting great results. Transforming bodies through structured fat loss and building phases.

Want me to teach you?

Check out the coaching packages!


Hi! I'm Sheridan,

A.K.A The Go-To Girls Coach. I bring the ability to teach women how to reclaim control and truly know their bodies in order to get results.

My focus is to help you achieve a bangin bod that you are in looove with, understand your periods (or lack of!) and get you back into a feeling incredible, confident and in control.


I know what you're about to say..

 "Sheridan, I haven't changed anything but I keep

gaining weight" 


"I've been told my bloods are normal but I feel awful!"


"I've just come off the pill and I have no idea about periods and I feel like my skin and weight is out of control!"


please know,

1. you're not crazy

2. you don't just need to "eat less and move more"

and 3. I can help.

There is nothing more powerful than a 

woman who knows her body            

With a diploma of Health Science and a Bach of Nutrition, I have since spent 7 years further upskilling my knowledge not only in the functional nutrition space, but also in women's health, fertility and hormones.

I love that BCC is delivering a service that is truly beyond the calories, and I am so honoured to be a part of it.

Can't wait to meet you!


P.S. Coaching with me will also include Leigh's expertly crafted training programs if you choose the nutrition & training package (this packages will give you AMAZING results!)


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Which coach do I choose?

Both Leigh and Sheridan offer nutrition and training and work closely together, however they specialise in different areas.

Read the below differences and go with your gut instinct!

Sheridan is your coach if you can relate to one or more of these things: 

  • You are female

  • You are wanting to look leaner, feel healthier and be stronger

  • You are having hormonal and/or period complications (including thyroid, blood sugar, peri-menopause, PCOS, Endometriosis and fertility)

  • You are wanting to navigate the coming off hormonal birth control

  • You are experiencing poor health of some description and need someone to give you direction and kick you up the bum

Leigh is your coach if you can relate to one or more of these things:

  • You are male or female

  • You are feeling inspired but don't know where to start

  • You're ready to put in the work to reap the rewards

  • You have tried other coaches and didn't love the service

  • You want to improve your strength and skills in the gym

  • You agree that having muscle makes you a healthier person

I know the coach I want, how do I start?

Find your coaches "I'm Ready" button in the Coaching Packages section and click. Fill out the pop up form then you will be instantly emailed with instructions for onboarding. Please check spam/junk inboxes for your email!


Do I need to go to a gym to benefit from this coaching?

We recommend having a membership at a gym when selecting a coaching pack that includes training. If you are just wanting nutrition coaching, you do not need a gym membership.

Got questions? Shoot us an email!

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NOTE: All packages are 12 week minimum commitment

$100 set-up fee

$150 set-up fee

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$50 set-up fee

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